Oh, get off my case, I know. It's nice to know that I have a life though, right? A life that keeps me so busy I have absolutely no time to blog?
You're right. I was watching the Criminal Minds marathon again. And again. And again. I can't help it! Morgan is so hot!
Anyhoo, here's what you've all been waiting for: The Holiday of 2011! Woot woot!
Have I even talked about Thanksgiving?! Hold on, let me check... Eek! Not a real blog post since Texas?! My word, let's get on this!
Halloween 2011:
The highlights from this Halloween were definitely being with my 2 nieces, Jaiden (2 years old) and Nixie (11 months old). It was Nixie's first Halloween and it was so exciting to have Tiffer and her family back home.
Jaiden dressed as a Bumble Bee.
Nixie dressed as a Ladybug.
And Tiffer dressed as a flower.
How cute is that?!
Let me go back pre-Halloween here real quick. In our family we have a tradition of carving pumpkins together while watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. Well, last year and perhaps the years before we carved pumpkins WAY too early and so by the time Halloween came around? Let's just say we didn't make them look so raunchy on purpose, but hey, it's Halloween so they totally fit the part! Jaiden picked my pattern and it ended up being the scariest of the bunch! And yes, I do carve my pumpkins freehand, in case you were wondering!
Ok, fast forward to the night before Halloween: We took the girls to the church for their Annual Trunk or Treat. I love going to these with my parents because I get a better opportunity to see the little kids in their costumes. Sooo cute!
Thanksgiving 2011:
This last Thanksgiving was pretty small. It may have been one of the top 5 smallest Turkey Days I've ever been too. It consisted of only the parents, Gina, Tiffer and the girls, and myself. But you know what? That didn't mean a thing in the amount of food we prepared and engorged on! It was also my best turkey yet, according to the family! I got to teach Gina how I prep it, so that was pretty exciting. I like to teach people the way I do things. Especially when it's successful!
Christmas 2011:
This was the first Christmas for Ashley and Adam as a married couple, Nixie and Kate's very first Christmas, and it was such a happy time being all together! We were sure to Skype VJ and his family later Christmas night so that everyone could show us what they got.
It was the perfect Christmas and I am so thankful for such an amazing family!
New Years Eve 2011:
NYE was... well... different. Haha! I decided to go with Gina and a couple of our friends to a Singles' event at Dave & Busters. We were supposed to go to something that was more our age oriented, but it got cancelled (lots of drama we won't discuss) and we were told to go to this activity.
Nothing says Happy New Years than being at the same event as your exboyfriends' baby siblings! One of them I've known since she was two. The other since he was about seven.
We stood in line for what seemed like hours. When we finally got inside, it was so packed you couldn't breathe, let alone walk anywhere without touching someone. We got to one of the dance floors and decided to make the best of it! And so we danced. Until the heels made it unbearable to stand anymore.