Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Behind...

Everyone gets a little behind in life right?  Behind in emailing friends back.  Behind in calling your mom.  Behind in work or school...  Well, I'm a little behind in this here blog, not to mention pretty much all of the above...  I'm sure a lot of you have given up in even looking at this blog.  So many other things to do.  Check your Facebook.  Read the latest headlines.  Watch the Inauguration.  You know, important things.  Well, I apologize to you all, but I am back!

I am now back from what some of the tourists in Hawaii from the mid-west like to call "The States."  For those of you who don't know, Hawaii IS in "The States."  These were the people who would be on our list of "Isms" which were the idiotic things people said...  So, I am here in California freezing my behind off.  Yes, it has seemed like summer outside this past week, but when you are living at Pickle and Val's Italian marbled home, and when you work in an office where the executives' offices face your cubicle... well... you freeze your behind off.  Especially when you are a pansy like me.  I continue to being a heating pad to sit in my lap so I don't completely freeze out...  And yes, I am serious.

So, there it is.  I am living in Southern California where I grew up.  My parents have lovingly accepted me back into my old room, which has been redecorated with my niece in mind, aka, Barbie vomit -- not my niece but the decor.  Really?  Do you think I would call my little Roo that?  Come on people.  It is awesome being back home with my family.  I missed them all so very much when I was across the ocean. 
(Celebrating New Years at Balboa Park in San Diego.  Here with sister Gina.)

At the moment I am working with my dad in an office.  Have you ever seen the TV show "The Office?"  Well, that's kind of how it feels.  But I do have a cubicle.  It's funny though because it's a short cubicle so I can see the person next to me.  I have met heaps of people but usually tend to be somewhat anti-social since I have certain tasks that must be finalized by the end of the day.  Plus, I prefer to listen to music when I work so I have my ear buds in.  Hey, it helps the day go by faster!

So, the plan for me these days is to make enough money to pay off the debt I created whilst in Australia and my final days of Hawaii.  Then I will be able to save some money and move back to Australia!  What do you think?  Any suggestions?  And, yes, I am serious.  I loved Oz so much that I am contemplating moving there.  We have several friends we made while we were there.  I mentioned them in previous blogs.  Risa, are you in??  Let's get you out of there hun!  Until then, I will be continuing to work my 20 hours of overtime.  Yes, I am serious.  I have to get out of this debt friends.  But you know what?  I would do it all over again. It was totally worth it!
(While I'm in California, it is mandatory to buy a Disneyland pass!  Here with Nya and Stein Stilwell)

Living in Hawaii was so amazing and I'll have to talk about that at a later time.  I met some lifelong friends who I know will always be there for me.  I learned of my new passion for SCUBA.  I also learned who my true friends are and how much I love them.  I also understood just how much I love my family.  I think Hawaii helped me find myself more too.  And you know what?  I think I'm pretty fantastic!  Ha ha!
(Mandatory to hang out with great friends!  Here with Amanda's sassy face...)

Well, until next time!  Oh!  And as soon as I get the pictures and video, I will post my skydiving adventure!  That's right!  I jumped my butt out of a plane!  Until then!


Anonymous said...

i think you're fantastic too! reading your blog is almost like talking to you (well, more like a one-sided conversation where i'm not allowed to say anything) so i'm glad i stumbled upon it again. i'm sad that you're gone but im excited for your visit in a few months!