Saturday, August 7, 2010

Girls Night Out!

This past Friday night, one of my bff's, Danielle, had the whole night to herself!  No husband and no 3 year old son!  It was a rare event and so we had a girls' night out.  A very much needed girls' night, might I add.  We started off shopping for my new abode and then decided we'd better get some dinner.

That's when I went on facebook.  I'm "friends" with Britt Griffith on Syfy's Ghost Hunters.  I noticed that he was going to be in the exact area we were to watch his band play.  He  posted the name and invited everyone to come hang out.

So we did.

The place was an Irish Pub in Costa Mesa called Durty Nellie's.  We sat down and ordered Irish Tacos, Fried Macaroni, and UH-MAZE-ING Irish Stew!  I'm pretty sure it's the best stew I've ever had in my entire life!  All of their food was super good and I've been craving it ever since!

Towards the end of the meal, Danielle told me I need to go up to Britt and ask him to take a picture with her because she's super shy when it comes to stuff like that.  No worries!  So I interrupted him and his friends and asked for a picture.  He then sat down with us and started chatting about the meanings of his tattoos.  A few minutes later, his wife, Holly, came over and sat down.

(Britt, Danielle, Diego (bandmate), me. Group hug!)

And there we sat from 9:00pm to 1:30am!  Just chatting about random things, like books, movies, paranormal events, and of course, poking fun at the people singing karaoke.  There was one guy there who was having a Bachelor Party.  Apparently, they had phases for him.  He was wearing a Japanese robe with no shirt underneath.  We were told this was Phase 2.  Who knows?  Anyway, we got the scoop on some of the secrets of the who (which I promised not to reveal, so sorry)!  I'm super excited for the big events they may occur!

Anyway, when the lights started coming on, we decided it must be time to go home.  So we hugged it out with our new friends and have been facebooking ever since!  Very fun time!