Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gobble, Gobble.

Man, I am really behind!  Well  just a quick catch up here from Thanksgiving.

I spent the evening before Thanksgiving at my parents' ouse prepping the 22 pound turkey I was cooking.  It put up quite a fight in the beginning while I was removing the giblets, but then I realizes the legs had been tied, creating a very narrow opening to the cavity...  Hey, man, I'd been up before the sun and worked all day to come home to prep a 22 pound turkey.  Go figure!  After I prepped the turkey, I had to set it in a cooler because there was no room for him in the fridge.

Another successful turkey!  Joy!

How adorable is my mom for making gluten free stuffing for me??  Love that woman!

The next morning I drove back down to Huntington to finish prepping the now marinated turkey.  I always love the recipe I used when I made my very first turkey in New York with my sister in law, Trudie.  It's the Coke and maple syrup recipe that never fails!  It makes such a delicious, moist turkey, why change the recipe?
I even curled my hair for the occasion!

After throwing together some artichoke dip and other various appetizers with my mom, the feasting began. The turkey was perfect and was even labeled as the best one yet!  What a huge compliment coming from my wonderful family who would never lie to me to make me feel good, haha!  They tell it like it is and I am so grateful for them in life!