Friday, February 17, 2012

The Problem With IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

As I reached for my morning dose of prescription drugs, I stopped mid-reach.  My medicine cabinet is full of all sorts of drugs.  I can't even remember when I started taking so many pills.  I counted and came out with a total of 19 different labels.  This wasn't even counting the several vials I was waiting to refill.  I sighed and popped the pills in my mouth washing them down with water.

Fast forward to Super Bowl Sunday.  I was talking with a friend of mine and her husband.  She has always been such a great support and friend to me.  It took them 10 years to finally diagnose her with Celiac Disease.  She is one of the reasons I chose to go gluten free, after describing all of my symptoms to her.  I got a blood test and it came back negative.  So did hers.  It took several biopsies for them to discover she was a Celiac.  When I was getting prepped for my endoscopy, I asked them to take biopsies -- they stopped scoping after they discovered I had a hiatal hernia.  Anyway, after sharing my symptoms with them, they suggested I get a gene mapping test to check for Mitochondria Disease.  It was a fairly new discovery that this disease affects the gut , not only the nervous system.

The next day I called my GI Specialist to see if she could test me for this.  They told me this was something I would have to be referred to by my primary physician.  After several phone calls and 4 days later, I was told by my primary doctor (which I am no longer seeing) that he will not refer me to a Genetics Specialist because "he didn't see the point."  I was floored.  I was screaming on the inside.

What was the point?!  How about finding out what exactly is wrong with me instead of just giving me this non-diagnosis of IBS?!

For those of you who do not know, IBS is what they tell us patients with digestive problems we have because they have no clue what's wrong with us.  It's basically so they know how to get money from the insurance companies.  And so they feed us drug after drug, treating the symptoms.  Little do people realize that these medications are causing other problems, which we're prescribed more drugs for.

I was furious.  I immediately texted another friend of mine who saw a Doctor of Naturopath.  She is a doctor who combines modern medicine with natural supplements, etc.  I knew I would be paying out of pocket, but I didn't care at this point.  I was tired of feeling miserable and paying money on all of these procedures and drugs that were just causing other problems because of their side effects.

Today was my first appointment at The Institute of Progressive Medicine.   I liked what I saw.  I liked what I heard.  The doctor listened to me.  He heard what I said.  He read what I wrote down and spent a full hour with me.  When I told him I don't have a PPO, that I'm paying out of pocket, he understood.  He let me know that some of the tests I could do with my HMO and so he got me a prescription for those tests.

I left feeling more satisfied and hopeful than I've ever left the GI doctor's.  More than I ever felt with my primary physician who's seen me for more than just my tummy problems.  In the end, I had them draw blood for 2 full food allergy panels that test for more than they do at my primary doctor's office.  Things like black pepper and yeast, not just dairy, nuts and strawberries.  I also left with 3 supplements, including Melatonin, L-Tryptophan and Homocysteine Factors.  All of these together, every night at bedtime, should be replacing the 4 capsules of Prilosec I take daily.

Here's looking forward to a new treatment of helping my body heal itself!  I'll keep you all posted of my progress.


tracyjax said...

go get 'em Hol! I'm glad you're taking things in to your own hands! It's crazy how doctors won't do all of the testing that's available. I hope you find a cure!!

Rowdy Family said...

good luck lady. love yer guts, hope you figure out whats going on with them