Saturday, February 14, 2009

Lunch Time With Ray Liotta...

My introduction with the man at my work who looks like Ray Liotta was when he came to the copy machine by my desk.  I was struck with awe as I saw the resemblance.  Of course, this would have been Ray Liotta's doppelganger in the younger years...  Would you say doppelganger for Ray Liotta though?  Really?  He introduced himself after some small talk (which I still can't recall his name because all I can think of is Ray Liotta) and asked what it was that I did.  I explained to him that I was in Accounting; Accounts Receivable to be exact.  He then turned to the copy machine (which by the way is meant for Finance and Executive use only) and told me I MUST be smart.  Come to find out, he is in sales and is with the rest of "them" upstairs.

After the first intro, our meetings were few and quick, which is just fine by me.  After all, Ray Liotta freaks me out.  I'm not going to lie.  Well the twin didn't REALLY freak me out until this past Thursday...

I decided to heat up my Claim Jumper frozen dinner (which is delicious, in case you were wondering) and went to the break room.  I popped my food in after detaching a gravy pouch and set it on the counter.  As I waited for my food to cook, Ray Liotta walked in and we both traded salutations.  He then came over to where I was standing and saw my gravy packet on the counter.  He asked if it was mine and I told him it was, but I wasn't quite sure what to do with it because I didn't want it to explode on the microwave.  That's when he grabbed it.  I was not too offended by this because he placed it in a styrofoam cup and put hot water in it to warm it.  Brilliant!  I told him it was a fantastic idea and I probably wouldn't have thought of that!  Unfortunately, he thought I was impressed...

The microwave buzzed to inform me that my tasty lunch was cooked.  I took it out before checking it so Ray Liotta could put his cup of soup in.  After all, I was taught to share and take turns.  I placed my dish on the counter and let it cool off a bit.  That's when he offended me tremendously...  He told me I better check to see if it's cooked all the way.  I partially removed the plastic cover and let the steam come out, letting it cool some more.  He then proceeded to invade my personal space AND my lunch's by removing my plastic cover himself.  He then PICKED UP MY FORK AND STIRRED MY FOOD!  I was flabbergasted to say the least!  Am I in the wrong to think this is too much for a stranger you barely know, who also, let me remind you, looks like Ray Liotta?!?  Am I out of line in thinking this is wrong for a coworker you barely know to do?

The whole time he was in action, I panicked.  SO many thoughts were running through my head.  I even got a little dizzy wondering if I should even use the same fork?  Should I just dump it when I walk out and find something else to eat?  Should I say something?  All I could do was stand there and watch.  What do you say when Ray Liotta mixes your lunch for you??

Well, I ate it...  


Anonymous said...

It's even creepier hearing it the second time around! Yuk!! Hands off the food Ray Liotta! ;)

Unknown said...

Hey! How come you never told me you had a blog?!

I forgive you.

I'm sweet like that.

I recently had a stalker who looked like Edward Norton. I was quite impressed at first when he was all like Edward Norton from Keeping the Faith, but I got concerned when he turned into Edward Norton in Fight Club a la crazy!!

Next time you take that pouch and make a stand young lady!!

Livin-It-Up said...

That's just hilarious! Rude definitely, but your story telling ability cracks me up. Thanks for the laugh, sorry about the lunch. I agree with D'Arcy, make a stand!