Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gingerbread Galore!

(Chateau Gingerbread de Hollie)

Every year, well... just about... We get together and make gingerbread houses for Christmas!  And when I say we, I mostly am talking about my sister Gina and I.  We get our friends together at our house, or go to someone else's and everyone brings some sort of candy to chip in.  This year, we were lucky enough to have left over candy galore from my mom!  She had a bunch of the young women from church over to make houses a couple days before our event.  Only problem was, she said the graham crackers she bought broke really easily and that we should purchase some more.  Of course, we waited too long and didn't.

So we decided to make gingerbread ourselves!

(Jeni and I in the process of mixing the gingerbread dough!  Aka, proof!)

(Tupperware cookie cutters worked out well for Jeni, Gina and I)

Our friend Jeni came over and we got to baking!  Man, did it smell UH-mazing!  It made the whole house smell like Christmas!  We found some baby square tupperware and used those to cut out squares to help build the houses.  It wasn't till later that we realized the rounded corners did not help in the physics of the construction...  But, we all had a blast anyway!  I had no idea how creative our friends can get when there's a building dilemma like that!  Oh the creativity!!

(Jeni's "Christmas Wish," which was a bachelorette's party...)

(Suzette's lion... RAWR!)

(Josh's Aztec Temple of sorts)

(Rick's nativity with baby Cinnamon Jesus)

(Emily's Tropical Hut)


Maurice&Tash said...

I was at your mom's house making event for the YW and she went all out! Too bad, mine look nothing like yours!

Holls said...

Ha ha ha! Awesome! Sounded like you girls had a TON of fun! My mom loves being in Young Women again. It's very exciting for her!