Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thumb Doppleganger?

Today at work, while I was talking to my coworker, Eddie, he suddenly grabbed my thumb.  I was very confused at this, which, as we all know, doesn't take much.  That's when he exclaimed excitedly, "You totally have Megan Fox thumbs!!!"

I had no idea what he was talking about so he googled it for me.  That's when I was a little bit offended.  Apparently, Megan Fox has a clubbed thumb on her right hand.  It is a condition known as brachydactyly.

WTH?!?  My thumbs are NOT deformed.

After I hit him, he explained to me that he stated that because I have small thumbs.  Interesting how they fit perfectly on my small hands...


Maurice&Tash said...

That sucks Holly, Megan Fox thumbs are horrible. Maurice can't look at her now without focusing on her thumbs. Your's probably aren't as bad as hers! But just the fact that he would announce that is not cool. I myself think you're a fine piece of meat.

Holls said...

I know right?? I have fantastic thumbs that fit my hands beautifully. The audacity of that coworker... Booo on him. And thanks for the props my friend! I'm going to have to ditto that to you!

Livin-It-Up said...

Hollie I think you have excellent thumbs that can achieve excellent things, for example typing. I'm sure your thumb does an excellent job of pressing that space bar. Your hands are the perfect fit for too many tasks to name here.