Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh Those Los Angeles Nights...

Last night I wasn't really in the mood to go to see Eddie Izzard , even though I'd spent $70 on my ticket. It was one of those days where you wake up and know you're going to be grumpy. I suppose the lack of sleep doesn't help. I decided, as much as I wanted to cancel, I should go. After all, it's been a while since I've been to L.A. for a night on the town. Not to mention, I spent $70 on this...

I met up with my friends Stephanie and Jaime and I drove us to L.A. after being up since 4:30am that morning. We caught up on our lives since it'd been a little bit since we'd seen each other, as well as our gossip. After an hour and a half in rush hour traffic, we finally parked and decided to eat. I suggested Lawry's because they have delicious Prime Rib Sandwiches as well as their "crack" and cheese side dish and homemade lemonade. After I bought my lemonade, I picked a table outside for us to eat at. As I sat down, I noticed a man sit down at the table next to me. That's when I realized it was Mitch Pileggi, who played Agent Skinner on The X-Files, which was a show I watched religiously until Agent Dogget came on the show. And so, we had dinner with Skinner from the X-Files.

Jaime and I playing it cool, taking normal friend pictures. ;)

Steph enjoying that star-struck feeling.

"Skinner" enjoying his sandwich at Lawry's.

Next we walked to the Nokia Theater, where the Grammy's are being held this Sunday, and found our seats. No wonder these seats were $70. They were pretty nice! First row in the Loge section with only our 3 seats in the front row. Brilliant!

I don't know if you know who Eddie Izzard is, but he is a British Transvestite Comedian. He is freaking hilarious. Unfortunately, he did not come out in stage with a dress or heels, but we were still quite entertained! During the intermission, we discovered that Hugh Laurie, House, was in the audience as well. That's when I thought to myself, "Self, I wonder how a conversation with these two Englishman would be. It would obviously be quite entertaining!"

Eddie Izzard put on a hilarious show and I am positive I laughed off many, many calories because by the end of the night, I was hoarse from laughing until I coughed! Great, great fun and I am glad I decided to go. :D


Maurice&Tash said...

Ok so way cool about Agent Skinner!! Gotta love seeing the stars in LA. I am sad that Eddie did not come out dressed up. Oh well, hope you had fun and got your $70 worth.

Livin-It-Up said...

I'm glad you ended up having such a good time after you weren't in the mood. Laughing is ALWAYS good for you!! :)

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

Hollie, you're looking so DANG JUICY these days!!!! I can't even handle it. I can't wait to see your beautiful face at my shower!!! eeeekk!

Stella said...

I LOVE your life! And I LOVE that white and pink cardigan!