Wednesday, September 2, 2009


As you know...err.. maybe you don't.. I wake up at 4:30am every weekday to make to it to work by 6am.  Yeah, I know.  It DOES suck!
So anyway, I usually don't stay out too late during the work week.  Monday night was a different story.

(The first single from Aim and Ignite.  I think it's amazing when a singer can get the whole crowd to sing their own songs back to them -- sorry, it's live, but I just love this song!)

It was a last minute invite from my little sister Ashley to go to L.A. to see a band called fun. play for free.  Now fun. is fronted by Nate Ruess, formerly from one of my all time favorite bands, The Format.  The Format went on indefinite hiatus this past February and that is when fun. (yes, it is spelled lower case with a period) was created.  I never had the chance to go to The Format and I was not about to pass up fun. did I mention it was free??

I knew I wouldn't regret it.  Absolutely brilliant.  I immediately signed on to iTunes and bought the whole album.  There is a song on there named "The Gambler" that Nate Ruess wrote about his parents.  It's something I want in life.  It's a beautiful song and I suggest you find it and listen to it.

After leaving Spaceland in L.A. (and yes, seeing the fires along the hillsides), we drove to Long Beach to see the band Limbeck at The Prospector (which I HATE -- not Limbeck, but the bar).  It was fantastic!  Such a fabulous night spent well!!  And just think, I could have stayed home and slept??  Meh, I'll sleep when I'm old.

(This one is so catchy, I just love it!)