Kate Nickol Jones was born on April 5th, 2011. She weighed in at a mere 6 lbs. 15oz. and was 18 1/2 inches long. She had some hair, light brown and was just as cute as can be.
(A very happy daddy!)
(The new mom. A natural!)
(I'm thinking... Shoes?)
Kate came to our family, namely, my oldest sister, Traci and her husband Chris, by way of an open adoption. We were eating dinner one night when my mom had announced that some guests were coming over to visit. A million thoughts crossed all of our minds. As soon as the doorbell rang and I saw who entered, I knew exactly what was up. I turned to my brother in law, Chris, and knew he knew too as we gave each other a nod.
A friend of my mom's and her daughter entered the house. I almost burst into tears and I understood the reason they were visiting. We all sat together in the family room, and the discussion began...
"After a lot of thinking... I've decided on the best thing for my baby. I want you and Chris to have my baby and raise it as your own."
We all burst into tears as the actual words were spoken. After all, this is such a HUGE decision for a young pregnant mother to make. My sister was shocked and handled everything perfectly. She made sure to remind her that this was a huge decision and wanted to be 100% sure it's the choice she wanted to make.
Fast forward to April 5th at 2am. Traci and Chris get a call to come to the hospital. I received a text a little after that saying "(Her) water broke and she's in labor. Going to the hospital now!" I was so excited and was texting Tiffer all morning! It made it easier to use the Benincosa network since I knew Traci would be preoccupied with the whole birthing process. In the end, Traci got to cut the umbilical cord and receive the "handoff" of her new baby daughter.
(Chris multitasking)
(Gramma Pickle and Grampa B.)

(Gramma and Grampa Jones)
Soon it was time for the birth certificate information. The birth mother said she wanted to make it easier for Traci and Chris so they wouldn't have to keep changing the name on it and go through the whole long process. she had wanted to name the baby Nickol in the beginning. Traci gave her the name as a gift of thanks, placing Nickol as Kate's middle name, the way the birth mother wanted to spell it.
(A very happy Auntie)
(Feeding time!)
Baby Kate is at home with my sister and brother in law now. She is so completely loved and cared for with 100% of the focus and attention. She couldn't have asked for a more wonderful set of parents as they cherish her everyday. I was able to meet Kate 2 days later, on the 7th. She is a beautiful little girl and the perfect baby. It is so amazing how many friends, and friends of friends, came through to assist my sister and her husband with many, many baby items, including clothes and other accessories! She is going to be one of the most cherished little girls in the world! I am just in awe at this little blessing that was bestowed upon my sister and her husband! I thank God everyday for such an amazing gift.
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