Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Know Happiness...

You must also know sadness.

This morning at work, after being there maybe 30 minutes or so, one of the other supervisors came over to each of our desks for a quick meeting.  After we were all gathered there, the director of our department mustered us closer together.  That's when she told us the news...

One of our coworkers, a wonderful, wonderful woman, Barbara, had passed away last night.  No one knew many details and it wasn't something we were at all expecting.  As far as we knew, Barbara was healthy as could be.  It was a horrible way to start the day.

Barbara was the kind of woman who always had a smile on her face, ready to greet you as soon as she saw you.  She would bring candy during the holidays and pass it out to everyone, brightening our day.  She was very thoughtful.  A friend to all.  Not a selfish bone in her body.

A couple of coworkers had spoken to her last night.  She had some slurred speech and had told them she wasn't feeling well.  They encouraged her to go to the doctor's but she decided it best to go lay down.  A little while later, her roommate came home to find her on the floor of her bedroom.  Unbelievable.  I could not even imagine...  We're still wondering if it was perhaps a stroke?  Maybe an aneurism?

It was a very emotional day today.  The whole entire office was just so melancholy at the shock bestowed upon us that morning.  I still can't believe it.  They even brought in a Grief Counselor to help those who were having a difficult time.  It was a great idea and I feel he helped a lot of people through the day.  He's coming back tomorrow too.  (And for those of you who know me, you know I just pushed the sadness away and continued to work.  It's how I deal with this kind of thing.  I will grieve on my own time, but hate crying in public.)

So now we wait for more information as to what happened to our coworker, our friend.  Our director came up with an idea for our department to have our own memorial for Barbara.  What a sweet gesture.  I so appreciate how this whole situation was handled.  It's great to know that our higher ups care that much!

So dear Barbara, rest in peace.  And God be with you till we meet again.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Things like this remind you how fragile life it. i've been reminded a lot lately. I was at breakfast with my dad on Easter and we started talking about the family reunion. It's his turn to plan it next time, I asked him happily about his plans. He got very quiet, emotion heavy, and said, "I just don't know. Skip always helps me with that. I don't think I can do it alone." Heavy. Tears. Life is so precious. April and I are in cahoots to make this one much easier on him, so send ideas if you have them.

Love you and let me know if you need any one to talk to!