Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost without LOST. (Sad face.)

Sunday night was an epic night.  It is a moment in history I will always remember.  As I discussed it with a couple of my very good friends, it will be like that part in your life where you can recall where you were when O.J. Simpson's verdict was read.  Like the time you saw the news on 9/11.

This night was a night like that.  It was the night LOST came to an end.  Questions were answered, yet some left open.  Isn't that like life?  The theme of the night?  Two word: Let go.  I thought it was the perfect ending to my six year relationship with these character and the island.

(Tiffer with Terry O'Quinn, aka, Locke/FLocke (who was also on Alias, I might add))

I watched LOST from the very beginning since I'm a fan of J.J. Abrams.  After loving Alias and Felicity, how could I not enjoy LOST?  (But I am ashamed to say that while in Hawaii when Fringe came out, I was only able to catch the first few episodes and need to catch up!  I know, I know!)

(Foxy Matthew Fox, aka, Jack.)

(Hottie Josh Holloway, aka, Sawyer.)

One of my best friends, Danielle, introduced to me to a column I really enjoyed throughout this last season of LOST.  If you're curious, it is by Doc Jensen on under LOST.  He is fantastic and very entertaining.

One of my favorite things that Doc Jensen said in his column about the finale rang so true.  I heard so many comments about how amazing or how horrible the ending was.  This excerpt from Doc is perfect in all aspects:

"I think fans and haters — and fans and fans-until-last-night — will be debating this for a while. NEWSFLASH! The argument will never be settled. I expect in the days to come, as I find myself in conversations with people who were disappointed, I will be asked to mount a defense of the series. I will be put on the spot to show them why it all ''made sense,'' and failing that, prove them that the show really did have a ''Greater Point To It All.'' But what is certain is that I will convince them of nothing. I also think it would be wrong and even disrespectful of me to try. Your experience of Lost is your experience of Lost, and it is valid. I presume you are intelligent people who are not blinded by personal bias. I am sorry you feel let down. But I do not share your perspective. Does that mean we can't ride the same church bus to heaven together? I hope not."

(Little Traci with little Evangeline Lilly, aka, Kate.)

(Henry Ian Cusack, aka, Desmond, practically holding Traci.)

It was pretty awesome living in Hawaii while LOST was being filmed.  Out of the cast, these are my experiences with them:

1. Jack:  On the Jimmy Kimmel show.  I still have the video (cassette) and you can see me standing in front of him ;)
2.  Hurley:  I "had breakfast" with him at Boots and Kimo's.  He also recommended me a couple of delicious burger joints.
3. Sawyer (x2):  First time was on a boat getting prepped for a night dive and him cruising by leisurely on his boat.  Second time he came into my work, Sea Life Park while I was in the Reef Tank.
4.  Charlie:  I actually met him during various LOTR events.  Go ahead and laugh, I'm obviously a nerd.
5.  Desmond: Movie Theater at the concessions.
6.  Jin:  At my work, Sea Life Park giving him and his kids turtle food multiple times and teaching them a  little about them.

And now, I need to figure out what I'm going to do with myself on Tuesday nights...