Sunday, November 14, 2010


Every year for our birthdays, my Gramma and Grampa used to call on and sing the Happy Birthday Song. Since my Gramma got dementia and passed away last year, we now call each other up and sing the song.  It's very fun because we all sing the song in different ways, as I've mentioned before.  This year, for HollieFest 2010, I got quite the variety...

I had Traci and Chris singing very slowly "so it will last longer."  I got my parents singing in a peppy version, kind of how my Gramma and Grampa used to sing it.  I got Ashley singing in a mumbling manner (while on the toilet, btw).  My brother called and sang the his own version of the song to the tune of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance,"  His wife, Trudie, called me later with the kids (Jackie and Owen) with their cute little voices, which I ALWAYS look forward to.  My Aunt Sally and cousin Mimi also called and sang ending with "You better know who this is!"

But my favorite this year goes to my little sister TIffany, her husband Seanie and daughter, Jady.  They actually sent me a video song!  What a great idea!  So without further ado, here is my birthday video (Sorry the video is sideways, I don't know how to fix it):


tracyjax said...

oh my gosh I want to call you and sing happy birthday to you too now! I love that! That video was super cute.