Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More Doctors.

Health Update:

I have been on a gluten free diet since the beginning of June this year.  It has helped tremendously and really isn't that difficult.  I've lost some weight, which is nice, but that wasn't my goal.  Since I've been on the gf diet, I've felt about 75-80% better.  I have more energy, my moods are much more positive than negative, and I can focus more.

That is until about a month or so ago.

My newest symptom includes extreme exhaustion within 10 minutes after I eat anything.  It used to be I'd feel this way after eating glutenous foods, but now it's whenever I eat.  Period.

And so the next step is going to my family doctor and finally getting referred to a GI Specialist.  Yippee...  This means, more procedures, including ultrasounds and lower endoscopy (which I am really NOT excited about).  Hopefully it means less medications though.  So far I'm on Prilosec twice a day, Carafate four times daily, and Vicodin as needed for pain.  These meds are just for my GI issues.  They do not include the 2 other prescriptions I take for allergies, or other meds I take for my back.

And so my hope and goal is to find out what exactly is wrong with me; why I am having so many GI issues, and at last, to not be on so many medications!  Oh, and most importantly: I REFUSE to settle for IBS, which is nothing but a non-diagnosis!


Unknown said...

Hols, I have had great success with raw food, cleanses, and natural medicine over medications. I know that makes me sound like a hippy. I had IBS for seven years and was cured in ONE month by a doctor here in SLC who is AMAZING. People come form all over the worldl to see. I would REALLY recommend this. Also, last night I watched Raw for 30 days. I think you should youtube this or go and find this DVD immediately and watch it. It's amazing and true. I have a copy. When I get my house, I think you should come out, stay with me, go see my doctor, eat raw food, and watch some of these. I have LOTS to say about this subject!

tracyjax said...

my poor little muffin!