Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Shoes!

January 4th has now become "Buy Yourself A New Pair of Shoes Day."

When my Gramma Tooney passed away, we declared her birthday, January 4th, "Buy Yourself New Shoes Day."  My gramma loved shoes so much.  Shoes and jewelry.  I remember when we'd go visit her we'd go through her jewelry and shoes and try them all on.  When we'd show her how much we liked certain ones, she freely gave them to us.  Every time.  She loved to share the beauty of fashion.

And that is why every January 4th, we get together with my mom and buy ourselves a brand new pair of shoes.  We're trying to make it a national holiday.  Some of our friends have adopted it as their own, which we really appreciate.  :)

(Mom, Traci, Me, Gina. Ready to take on the shoes!)

(Our support group: Chris and Dallas.)

(Success!  Two pairs of heels!)

(Gi had success too and got an extra discount for being cute!)

(Don't worry, she's joking with that pair of shoes.)

(Mission accomplished. And I love them.)

(I didn't have bronze heels... And yes, that's me in the reflection.)

(They will be mine.  Oh yes, they will be mine.)