Friday, February 25, 2011

The Fullness of a Bladder.

(Sometimes I wish I really could make an appointment with the handsome Dr. House because I know this fictional character would solve my medical mystery.)

Hello dear friends and family!  I hope you are all well as you're reading my blog.

Just a quick update on the my fun medical adventures...  I went in for my Peek-A-Boo doctor's appointment (which was fine, by the way, just the usual awkward/eww-ness like normal.  And yes I DID treat myself to Cold Stone (and suffer later), but it was well worth it to reward myself for the annual violation.)  Anyhoo, I told the Nurse Practitioner about some of the pain I've been having and she referred me to get a pelvic ultrasound performed.  Great.  Excellent.  This way I can rule out if the problem is reproductive instead vs. digestive.

They made me drink 32 ounces of water an hour before my appointment and I was not allowed to pee until after it was done.  Excuse me?  Do they not realize that I rarely drink water?  My body is not used to such a task!  When I do drink water at work, which I've been trying to do more of lately, I have to pee within an hour.  To not be able to is NOT going to be fun.  I spoke with my sister and a couple of friends about it and they told me their horror stories, which even included one of them (I won't point fingers) looking for something in their car to pee in on the way to their appointment in case it came to that!

I was nervous to say the least.

As soon as I got there, I was dancing.  It took all of my effort to sit down in the waiting room, trying not to pace the floors.  I was texting people, reading, doing almost anything to distract the thought of my bladder.  Heaven forbid I heard the sound of rushing water!  Finally, what seemed like hours, my name was called.  I could barely make it on the table, my bladder was so full!

After the procedure was done, the ultrasound technician told me to go ahead and empty my bladder and come back and we'll do the inside next.

Um... Excuse me??  No one told me I was going to be violated yet again in this procedure.  I know she was laughing at me in the inside for being so naive, after all, it was a pelvic exam checking out my lady bits, but she was professional.

Anyway, I'll spare you the details but I went in for my recheck yesterday and there are no problems with my womanhood (thank heavens, since I would love to bear children someday).  So yay!  That means it's all in my guts.  I go in for my next gastroenterologist appointment next month, so send good vibes my way that they'll figure out the next step in finding out what my sitch is!


Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

uh, that sounds awful!!!! (But I do love that you call the gyno the "peek-a-boo doctor" haha!!

When we got the gender ultrasound with Ruby, you know you have to drink a ton and then not pee. Which is nearly impossible for a pregnant woman...and Ruby loved to kick my bladder. Even better right? haha Well, Ruby wasn't moving around a lot, so that had me go pee to see if that would help....but they only wanted me to drain SOME of the pee out. Are you kidding me?! Its SO hard to stop peeing in the middle! And do that pregnant?! I wanted to punch that woman in the face! But she was about to tell me the gender of my child, so I refrained.

ps...I'm glad your lady bits are in tip top shape! :)